Hey there, fellow travel enthusiasts! If you’re looking for an adventure that combines breathtaking landscapes, unique natural phenomena, and endless photographic opportunities, Iceland should be at the top of your list. As a seasoned travel photographer from sunny California, I recently embarked on a 7-day photo journey across this enchanting land of fire and ice. In this blog post, I’ll take you through my itinerary, sharing tips and highlights from each day of the trip. From the vibrant streets of Reykjavik to the serene fjords and majestic waterfalls, get ready to capture the essence of Iceland through your lens.

Day 1: Arrival in Reykjavik

Welcome to the land of fire and ice! Touchdown in Reykjavik, the vibrant capital city of Iceland. After settling into your cozy accommodations, take a leisurely stroll around the city. Reykjavik's colorful streets, quirky murals, and unique architecture make it a perfect start for your photo journey. Don’t miss the iconic Hallgrímskirkja church and the view from the top for a panoramic cityscape shot.

Day 2: The Golden Circle

Kick off your adventure with the famous Golden Circle route. Start at Thingvellir National Park, where you can capture the stunning rift valley and the site of Iceland's first parliament. Next, head to the Geysir geothermal area to photograph the explosive Strokkur geyser. Finally, visit the magnificent Gullfoss waterfall. The mist and rainbows here offer fantastic opportunities for dramatic photos.

Day 3: South Coast – Waterfalls and Black Sand Beaches

Drive along the South Coast, stopping first at Seljalandsfoss, where you can walk behind the waterfall for a unique perspective. A little further along, you’ll find Skógafoss, another impressive waterfall with a broad curtain of water perfect for wide-angle shots. Continue to the black sand beaches of Reynisfjara, with its striking basalt columns and powerful waves.

Day 4: Glacier Adventure in Vatnajökull National Park

Today, venture into Vatnajökull National Park. Explore the glacier lagoons, like Jökulsárlón, where you can capture floating icebergs and, if you're lucky, seals lounging on the ice. Nearby, the Diamond Beach, with its crystal-clear ice chunks on black sand, offers breathtaking contrasts for your photos. Consider a guided ice cave tour for some stunning shots inside the blue ice formations.

Day 5: East Fjords – Quiet Villages and Scenic Views

Head to the less-traveled East Fjords for a change of pace. The winding roads, tranquil fjords, and quaint fishing villages provide a peaceful backdrop for your photography. Visit Seyðisfjörður, a charming town with colorful wooden houses and a picturesque setting. The scenic views along the way are perfect for capturing the essence of Icelandic countryside.

Day 6: North Iceland – Waterfalls and Whale Watching

Journey to the north, starting with a visit to Goðafoss, the "Waterfall of the Gods," where you can capture the impressive cascade and its surrounding beauty. Continue to the town of Húsavík, known for its whale-watching tours. Photograph these majestic creatures as they breach and dive in the Arctic waters. The scenic backdrop of mountains and ocean adds a magical touch to your shots.

Day 7: Return to Reykjavik via Snæfellsnes Peninsula

On your way back to Reykjavik, take a detour through the Snæfellsnes Peninsula. Often referred to as "Iceland in Miniature," this region offers a bit of everything: volcanoes, glaciers, lava fields, and stunning coastlines. Capture the iconic Kirkjufell mountain and its nearby waterfall for a classic Icelandic shot. Wrap up your journey with a relaxing soak in the Blue Lagoon, capturing the serene, milky-blue waters as your final image of Iceland.

Gear Recommendations:

  • A sturdy tripod for capturing waterfalls and northern lights.
  • Wide-angle lens for sweeping landscapes.
  • Telephoto lens for wildlife and distant details.
  • Polarizing filter to enhance skies and water surfaces.
  • Weather-resistant camera bag and clothing to stay dry and warm.

Pro Tips:

  • Be patient with the weather; it can change rapidly.
  • Respect nature and follow local guidelines to preserve these pristine locations.
  • Make time to interact with locals – their stories add depth to your travel experience and photos.
  • Experiment with different times of day for varied lighting conditions.
  • Embrace the unpredictable – some of the best shots come from unexpected moments.


Iceland is a photographer’s paradise, offering a kaleidoscope of natural wonders to capture and cherish. This 7-day itinerary provides a taste of the country’s breathtaking beauty, from roaring waterfalls and serene fjords to dynamic urban scenes and tranquil beaches. Pack your camera gear, embrace the adventure, and let Iceland's raw, untouched landscapes inspire your creativity.

Remember, the best shots often come from moments of genuine exploration and connection with the environment. Happy shooting!